대성에너지 모바일 고객센터




[main function]1. Sign UpMembership is identity authentication (mobile authentication / ahyipin authentication) can room and a shelter Register, only need to register using the registration number of the contract you can view all the information2. invoice managementMobile bill can view the mobile bills History / details / payment information / receipt information / instructions via receive, invoice reprint invoices to be issued upon application mobile bills push (Push)    ◌ billing inquiry    ◌ bill Application / Termination    ◌ reissue invoices3. Price informationLast six months of monthly charges, you can view the information, you can see the annual fee information in a list, graphYou can also pay a fee (credit card, bank transfer)    ◌ Monthly Charges    ◌ Annual Charges    ◌ outstanding historical inquiry    ◌ payment history inquiry    ◌ Price Calculator    ◌ Payment    ◌ Payment Methods    ◌ Rate Information4. Smart meteringWhen you apply a smart meter is a smart meter readings, you can direct customers to a specific date5. Application ServicesYou can change the billing application (mobile bill / Email bill / paper bills) from your mobile, safety checks prior notice SMS application, you can apply for smart metering    ◌ safety inspection SMS Application    ◌ bill change application    ◌ smart metering application6. transference transference ApplicationsTransference transference application may access an application within a month after a period of two days    ◌ transfer (Director example when it comes) Applications    ◌ transferred (ttyae move out) Applications    ◌ Gas Appliances Replacement / Demolition Applications7. OtherCustomer service applications and customer centers, service centers, you can see the boiler A / S information, including frequently asked questions, announcements